The Foolish Fish ๐ŸŽฃ๐ŸŸ

"Dear mother," said a little fish,

"Is that a worm I see?

I'm very hungry, and i wish

you'd get the worm for me,"

"Sweet innocent," the mother cried,

And started from her nook."

"That worm you see us there to hide

The sharpness of a hook."

As I have heard, the little trout

Was young and foolish too,

And presently he ventured out

To learn what might be true.

Around about the worm he played,

With many a longing look,

And "Dear me! " to himself he said,

"I am sure there is no hook."

"I think i'll give one little bite:"

And that was what he did,

And thus he died in hapless plight 

By not doing as he was bid.


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